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Wishbone Kit, Lower A-Arm 1/25

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Product Description

These are perfect with Futurattraction's Front Strut kit for the lower A-Arms.

These will fit inside 1/16" OD (with an ID of .033") or .042" OD stainless steel tubing (included).

2 - Wishbones
2 - Washers - .010" thick
4 - Spacers .015" thick
1 - 3" x .042" Stainless Steel Tubing

Here's a photo of a wishbone in tubing.


Instructions for using the spacers:
The spacers have flats etched into two edges to match with the angles of the tubing inserts.

For 1/16" (.065") stainless steel tubing - add one .010" washer on the upper side of the wishbone to increase its thickness.

For .042" stainless steel tubing - sandwich the wishbone with one .015" washer on either side to build it out to ~.042".


Photo etched plates are made from .010" nickel-silver, 1/25 scale.

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